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DNS Round-Robin

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David Lowenstein

Mar 16, 1996, 8:00:00 AM3/16/96
Sorry to say I had this same problem until I started to clear disk
cashe in Netscape after each hit. Netscape just kept loading the
page from memory.


On 15 Mar 96 at 21:56, Zhen Zhao wrote:

> I use DNS Round-Robin to run two web servers with same name, and
> have several problems.
> I am using bind-4.9.3-REL, and set TTL to be 5 seconds. Here is what
> I set in DNS : www 5 IN CNAME www1
> 5 IN CNAME www2
> For the local machines, ping, telnet, nslookup and lynx browser work
> fine. (They always find one machine, then the other one, like www1 -
> www2 - www1..) But on the Netscape broswer, it always gives me the
> same page (which means same site since I have put the diffent
> contents in two servers) when I reload it or open url again. If I
> close the netscape browser and start it every time, the Round-Robin
> works. This is not what I want. When I shut one server (www1) down,
> if a client using netscape browser links to www and connects to
> www1, it always gets the message "contacting www ..." even restart
> the netscape, which means it doesn't try to connect to www2.
> For the other machines, Round-Robin doesn't work on ping, telnet,
> nslookup and lynx browser even TTL is very small.
> Thanks for your help!!!
> --Zhen Zhao
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Matthew James Marnell

Mar 16, 1996, 8:00:00 AM3/16/96
:>I use DNS Round-Robin to run two web servers with same name, and have

:>several problems.
:>I am using bind-4.9.3-REL, and set TTL to be 5 seconds. Here is what I set
:>in DNS :
:>www 5 IN CNAME www1
:> 5 IN CNAME www2

This is a browser problem, and not a DNS problem. Netscape caches
plenty of stuff it shouldn't for a lot longer than it should.

You're also probably shooting yourself in the foot with the 5 sec
TTL, but I can see why you want to do it.


Paul A Vixie

Mar 16, 1996, 8:00:00 AM3/16/96
>I am using bind-4.9.3-REL, and set TTL to be 5 seconds. Here is what I set
>in DNS :
>www 5 IN CNAME www1
> 5 IN CNAME www2

You can't have two CNAME RRs at the same name. Use A RRs and give them the
same addresses as www1's and www2's A RRs have.
Paul Vixie
La Honda, CA "Illegitimibus non carborundum."

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