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USA is so much safier than Europe!!!

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Mar 31, 1998, 8:00:00 AM3/31/98

In article <wW9U.4748$>,
"Miss Maggie" <> wrote:
> >with the Former Yugoslavia being
> >> the best example.
> >
> >The European nations favoured keeping the hell out of the blood bath. As I
> >remember it was US diplomats who insisted on going in heavy.
> Aren't you glad that the US didn't "[favor] keeping the hell out of the
> blood bath" during WWII? And even then, the Germans' intent was just to
> take over your countries, not rid your land of your ethnic nations.....
> If there is one salient example in which American foreign policy was clearly
> more humane than European foreign policy, Bosnia would be it.

Bullshit -

The only reason America entered the war is because it saw a chance to
acquire the German warfare technology while Germany was at a waek point in the
war. The same type of ulterior motive was displayed in the Gulf war - it was
inly about OIL so that Americans can drive their fat asses down to McDonalds.
The technology America split with the Russians was:

1.) Rocket technology.
which includes:
a.) Supersonic data (V2 flew at Mach 5)
b.) Thrust vectoring technology.
c.) The semiconductor junction (High speed switching for 'b.)'.
(A transitor is 2 semiconductor junctions).
d.) Advanced flight control technology.
e.) The rocket engine.
2.) The jet aircraft (axial jet eninge).
3.) Submarine technology.
4.) Medical science and technologies.

The fact is that the reason American economy has been doing so well is
mostly due to the acauisition of these technologies.

So please don't be a typical American in trying to take the moral high
ground for American foreign policy actions.

I would rather be speaking German than have my senses assaulted by your
superficial bullshit society.

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading

Mark Framness

Apr 1, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/1/98

In message <6fs1e8$lkd$> - humm...@yahoo.comTue, 31 Mar
1998 18:26:49 -0600 writes:
#>Bullshit -
#> The only reason America entered the war is because it saw a chance to
#>acquire the German warfare technology while Germany was at a waek point in the
#>war. The same type of ulterior motive was displayed in the Gulf war - it was
#>inly about OIL so that Americans can drive their fat asses down to McDonalds.
#>The technology America split with the Russians was:
#> 1.) Rocket technology.
#> which includes:
#> a.) Supersonic data (V2 flew at Mach 5)
#> b.) Thrust vectoring technology.
#> c.) The semiconductor junction (High speed switching for 'b.)'.
#> (A transitor is 2 semiconductor junctions).
#> d.) Advanced flight control technology.
#> e.) The rocket engine.
#> 2.) The jet aircraft (axial jet eninge).
#> 3.) Submarine technology.
#> 4.) Medical science and technologies.
#> etc.

Bullshit to you!

Pearl Harbor & the fact that Germany Declared War on the USA first, had
nothing at all to do with it, huh?

BTW yes, why not get some spoils from it all. After all how many American
boys had to die? Also why go to war if not for self interest?

Take Care!

Spam booby trap!!!

FROM: Mark Allen Framness

URL for comp.lang.c NG:

To reply via e-mail, delete the given reply to address and delete the NO_SPAM
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All standard disclaimers apply. Anyone who says otherwise is itching for a


Apr 1, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/1/98

On 1 Apr 1998 13:23:08 GMT, fram...@EMIRATES.NET.AE (Mark Framness)

>Bullshit to you!
>Pearl Harbor & the fact that Germany Declared War on the USA first, had
>nothing at all to do with it, huh?
This might come as a suprise, but the Germans did not attack Pearl
Harbour. I bet when Monaco declares war on the US, they would not
attack, even some countries that dit not have declared war on the US
were (are being) attacked.
houghi - delete one houghi from the return address

Oehoehoughiboeroe is het voor mij.

Apr 1, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/1/98

In article <>, (houghi) wrote:
> On 1 Apr 1998 13:23:08 GMT, fram...@EMIRATES.NET.AE (Mark Framness)
> wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> >Bullshit to you!
> >
> >Pearl Harbor & the fact that Germany Declared War on the USA first, had
> >nothing at all to do with it, huh?
> >
> This might come as a suprise, but the Germans did not attack Pearl
> Harbour. I bet when Monaco declares war on the US, they would not
> attack, even some countries that dit not have declared war on the US
> were (are being) attacked.

Uhhh you see in WWII, Germany, Italy and Japan were allied. When Japan
attacked Pearl Harbor, the USA for some reason felt it had to declare war on
Japan. Now despite the fact that the Tripartite agreement did not compel
Germany (the agreement held the three allies to respond to unprovoked attacks
and clearly Pearl Harbor was a provocation) to declare war on the USA,
Germany did indeed declare war on the USA. So I do not see it unfathomable
that the USA felt compelled to wage war against Germany. Had Hitler not
declared war against the USA it probably would have taken another provocation
to draw the USA into the European war. Remember during WWI there was a lot
of Pro-German sentiment in the USA. Had nothing to do with obtaining secret



Apr 2, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/2/98
to (houghi) wrote:

>On 1 Apr 1998 13:23:08 GMT, fram...@EMIRATES.NET.AE (Mark
>>Bullshit to you!
>>Pearl Harbor & the fact that Germany Declared War on the USA
first, had
>>nothing at all to do with it, huh?
>This might come as a suprise, but the Germans did not attack
>Harbour. I bet when Monaco declares war on the US, they would
>attack, even some countries that dit not have declared war on
the US
>were (are being) attacked.


en in U.S. way of life toch vrolijk zijn
dat is voor iedereen het klotemedicijn.


T.v.d. Brink

Apr 3, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/3/98

BernhardB wrote:

You can say that again!

Tim van den Brink

German de Algeciras

Apr 4, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/4/98

Beste kerel, die US way of life is maar een samenloop van
omstandigheden. Maar dat kan je toch tegen Amerikanen niet zeggen.
Dat kan je ook wel eens weer zeggen!

German de Algeciras

Rob Barends

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

In article <>, German de Algeciras <> says:
>On Fri, 3 Apr 1998, T.v.d. Brink wrote:
>> BernhardB wrote:
>> > Lachen
>> > en in U.S. way of life toch vrolijk zijn
>> > dat is voor iedereen het klotemedicijn.
>> > b.
>>You can say that again!
>>Tim van den Brink

Weet jij daar meer van ? Hoe lang heb jij in de VS gewoond ?

>Beste kerel, die US way of life is maar een samenloop van
>omstandigheden. Maar dat kan je toch tegen Amerikanen niet

Waarom niet. Mobilizeren ze dan hun privelegers ? Schieten
ze je dan voor je harses ?

>Dat kan je ook wel eens weer zeggen!

Wat ?

>German de Algeciras

Ongebruikelijke naam voor iemand die Nederlands kent. Waar
kom jij vandaan. En aan jou zou ik ook willen vragen: hoe
lang heb jij in de VS gewoond ?



Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

In <> "T.v.d. Brink" <"T.v.d.

Brink"> writes:
>BernhardB wrote:
>> (houghi) wrote:
>> >On 1 Apr 1998 13:23:08 GMT, fram...@EMIRATES.NET.AE (Mark
>> Framness)
>> >wrote:
>> ><snip>
>> >>
>> >>Bullshit to you!
>> >>
>> >>Pearl Harbor & the fact that Germany Declared War on the USA
>> first, had
>> >>nothing at all to do with it, huh?
>> >>
>> >This might come as a suprise, but the Germans did not attack
>> Pearl
>> >Harbour. I bet when Monaco declares war on the US, they would
>> not
>> >attack, even some countries that dit not have declared war on
>> the US
>> >were (are being) attacked.
>> ><snip>
>> >--
>> >houghi
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> Lachen
>> en in U.S. way of life toch vrolijk zijn
>> dat is voor iedereen het klotemedicijn.
>> b.
> You can say that again!
> Tim van den Brink
What's your reason to jump on the bandwagon?


T.v.d. Brink

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

Wat doet het ertoe?
Als je niet van de Amerikaanse manier
houdt dan hou je er gewoon niet van.



Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

In <> "T.v.d. Brink" <"T.v.d.
Tja, zo kom je er wel makkelijk vanaf natuurlijk. Ik was alleen
geinteresseerd in waarom jij (en die b. ook) daar zo over dachten. Ik
ben trouwens ook niet bekend met wat jij onder de "Amerikaanse manier"
verstaat. Maar ik denk niet dat we daar verdere informatie over


T.v.d. Brink

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

Wings wrote:

The American way of life?
Nou, dat is alles wat Amerikanen doen en ons proberen op te dringen.
De massa media, fast-food, merkkleding, entertainment, etc.
En waarom ik er zo over denk, nou dat zeg ik net al, ze proberen het de
hele wereld op te dringen.


Rob Barends

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

In article <>, "T.v.d. Brink" <"T.v.d. Brink"> says:
>Wat doet het ertoe?
>Als je niet van de Amerikaanse manier
>houdt dan hou je er gewoon niet van.

Ja, en als je niet houdt van iets dat je niet kent ben je een eikel.



Rob Barends

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

In article <>, "T.v.d. Brink" <"T.v.d. Brink"> says:
>Wings wrote:
>> In <> "T.v.d. Brink" <"T.v.d.

>> Brink"> writes:
>> >
>> >Wat doet het ertoe?
>> >Als je niet van de Amerikaanse manier
>> >houdt dan hou je er gewoon niet van.
>> >
>> >
>> > Tim
>> >
>> Tja, zo kom je er wel makkelijk vanaf natuurlijk. Ik was alleen
>> geinteresseerd in waarom jij (en die b. ook) daar zo over dachten. Ik
>> ben trouwens ook niet bekend met wat jij onder de "Amerikaanse manier"
>> verstaat. Maar ik denk niet dat we daar verdere informatie over
>> krijgen.
>> Martina
> The American way of life?
>Nou, dat is alles wat Amerikanen doen en ons proberen op te dringen.
>De massa media, fast-food, merkkleding, entertainment, etc.
>En waarom ik er zo over denk, nou dat zeg ik net al, ze proberen het de
>hele wereld op te dringen.

Iedereen mag toch zeker proberen te verkopen wat we hebben ?
Je hebt zeker ook bezwaar tegen geimporteerde technologie ? En
tegen de goede films die uit de VS komen ? Kortom tegen alle
goede dingen die hiervandaan komen ? De voorbeelden die jij
noemt zijn weliswaar reeel, maar als "Amerika" er geen winst
op kon maken zouden ze snel vertrekken. Aangezien er wel winst
wordt gemaakt is het duidelijk dat heel veel NLers het totaal
niet met jou eens zijn.

Er is hier in Houston een Nederlandse winkel. De eigenaren zijn
Nederlands (mevrouw) en Texaans (meneer). Ze werken samen met een
Nederlands stel dat uitstekende kroketten en bitterballen maakt,
beter dan bv. de Moira kroketten die je bij AH kunt kopen. Verder
verkopen ze drop, souvenirs, t-shirts, buttons, Delfts Blauw en
andere NLse dingen, teveel om op te noemen. Ze werken ook via
mail-order. De winkel heeft een groot aantal NLse klanten, maar
de eigenaren hebben mij verteld dat het gros van hun klanten
Amerikaans is. Moet ik nu concluderen dat deze schandalige NLers
walgelijke NLse rotzooi aan heel Amerika proberen op te dringen ?
Of wordt jij zo gemakkelijk door de reclame beinvloed dat het je
dagelijkse gebruikspatronen regelmatig veranderd ?



T.v.d. Brink

Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

> Iedereen mag toch zeker proberen te verkopen wat we hebben ?
> Je hebt zeker ook bezwaar tegen geimporteerde technologie ? En
> tegen de goede films die uit de VS komen ? Kortom tegen alle
> goede dingen die hiervandaan komen ? De voorbeelden die jij
> noemt zijn weliswaar reeel, maar als "Amerika" er geen winst
> op kon maken zouden ze snel vertrekken. Aangezien er wel winst
> wordt gemaakt is het duidelijk dat heel veel NLers het totaal
> niet met jou eens zijn.

Ja en dat is heel jammer.

> Er is hier in Houston een Nederlandse winkel. De eigenaren zijn
> Nederlands (mevrouw) en Texaans (meneer). Ze werken samen met een
> Nederlands stel dat uitstekende kroketten en bitterballen maakt,
> beter dan bv. de Moira kroketten die je bij AH kunt kopen. Verder
> verkopen ze drop, souvenirs, t-shirts, buttons, Delfts Blauw en
> andere NLse dingen, teveel om op te noemen. Ze werken ook via
> mail-order. De winkel heeft een groot aantal NLse klanten, maar
> de eigenaren hebben mij verteld dat het gros van hun klanten
> Amerikaans is. Moet ik nu concluderen dat deze schandalige NLers
> walgelijke NLse rotzooi aan heel Amerika proberen op te dringen ?
> Of wordt jij zo gemakkelijk door de reclame beinvloed dat het je
> dagelijkse gebruikspatronen regelmatig veranderd ?
> >Tim
> Rob

Nee, zij doen geen schandalig werk. En ik word niet beinvloed door reclame,
maar vele anderen wel. En als het zo massaal geexporteerd wordt dan krijg je ervan
zelf wel mee te maken.



Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

In <> "T.v.d. Brink" <"T.v.d.

Zeg Tim, als jij er zo over denkt, mogen we dan aannemen dat je
bijvoorbeeld geen spijkerbroeken, baseball caps, t-shirts, Nike
sneakers enz. draagt? Dat je computer geen Windows heeft? Dat je ook
nooit bij McDonalds stopt voor een cheeseburger met franse frietjes? To
what extent do you practice what you preach?

> Tim

Martina (I love my baseball cap)


Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

In <6g6lh2$> (Rob

Barends) writes:
>In article
German de Algeciras <> says:
>>On Fri, 3 Apr 1998, T.v.d. Brink wrote:
>>> BernhardB wrote:
>>> > Lachen
>>> > en in U.S. way of life toch vrolijk zijn
>>> > dat is voor iedereen het klotemedicijn.
>>> > b.
>>>You can say that again!
>>>Tim van den Brink
>Weet jij daar meer van ? Hoe lang heb jij in de VS gewoond ?

Ik krijg niet de indruk dat Tim (en b.) ooit in de VS gewoond hebben.

>>Beste kerel, die US way of life is maar een samenloop van
>>omstandigheden. Maar dat kan je toch tegen Amerikanen niet
>Waarom niet. Mobilizeren ze dan hun privelegers ? Schieten
>ze je dan voor je harses ?
>>Dat kan je ook wel eens weer zeggen!
>Wat ?
>>German de Algeciras
>Ongebruikelijke naam voor iemand die Nederlands kent. Waar
>kom jij vandaan. En aan jou zou ik ook willen vragen: hoe
>lang heb jij in de VS gewoond ?


Rob Barends

Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

In article <6g9dps$>, (Wings) says:
>In <6g6lh2$> (Rob
>Barends) writes:
>>In article
>German de Algeciras <> says:
>>>On Fri, 3 Apr 1998, T.v.d. Brink wrote:
>>>> BernhardB wrote:
>>>> > Lachen
>>>> > en in U.S. way of life toch vrolijk zijn
>>>> > dat is voor iedereen het klotemedicijn.
>>>> > b.
>>>>You can say that again!
>>>>Tim van den Brink
>>Weet jij daar meer van ? Hoe lang heb jij in de VS gewoond ?
>Ik krijg niet de indruk dat Tim (en b.) ooit in de VS gewoond hebben.

Ik weet wel zeker van niet. Ik vroeg slechts argeloos naar de
bekende weg :-) b.eetje is hondsdol en Timmy heeft last van
chronische ongeinformeerde vooroordelen.


Rob (Ik, argeloos ? HA!!!)

T.v.d. Brink

Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

> Zeg Tim, als jij er zo over denkt, mogen we dan aannemen dat je
> bijvoorbeeld geen spijkerbroeken, baseball caps, t-shirts, Nike
> sneakers enz. draagt? Dat je computer geen Windows heeft? Dat je ook
> nooit bij McDonalds stopt voor een cheeseburger met franse frietjes? To
> what extent do you practice what you preach?

Voor sommige dingen heiligt het doel de middelen, Windows. Anders ishet niet zo makelijk om hier te spreken. Nike sneakers heb ik nog nooit van gehoord,
ik haat petjes, ik heb wel een of twee spijkerbroeken. Ik kom noot bij McDonalds,
en wat t-shirts betreft, ja ik draag ze van niet Amerikaanse merken, hetzelfde waarschijnlijk voor mijn spijkerbroeken, maar ik weet het is evengoed deel van
American culture. Dus ik vind dat ik het wel aardig doe, in vergelijking met
mijn losgeslagen landgenoten.



Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

On Mon, 06 Apr 1998 11:17:16 +0200, "T.v.d. Brink" <"T.v.d.
Brink"> wrote:

>Voor sommige dingen heiligt het doel de middelen, Windows. Anders ishet niet zo makelijk om hier te spreken. Nike sneakers heb ik nog nooit van gehoord,
>ik haat petjes, ik heb wel een of twee spijkerbroeken. Ik kom noot bij McDonalds,
>en wat t-shirts betreft, ja ik draag ze van niet Amerikaanse merken, hetzelfde waarschijnlijk voor mijn spijkerbroeken, maar ik weet het is evengoed deel van
>American culture. Dus ik vind dat ik het wel aardig doe, in vergelijking met
>mijn losgeslagen landgenoten.

Uiteraard kunne we beter allemaal op Linux overgaan :-) Niet
Amerikaans. HTML en WWW zijn uit Zwitserland (CERN) afkomstig, dus dat
komt wel goed. Jeans (De Nimmes) komt uit Frankrijk. De Hamburger uit
Duitsland, (Net als de Hot Dog), Fast Food is ook in Azië zeer
populair en dit al van voordat Americo Vespucci het nieuwe continet

Nog wat 'Amerikaanse' dingen. Baseball is simpel cricket, Basketball
is korfball en football is rugby.

En het leuke van die Amerikanen is: ze zijn bijna allemaal Europeanen.
(Ik ben op de hoogte van de ECHTE Amerikanen en van de Afrikaanse

B. Jansen

Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

T.v.d. Brink <"T.v.d. Brink"> > wrote in message


>> Zeg Tim, als jij er zo over denkt, mogen we dan aannemen dat je
>> bijvoorbeeld geen spijkerbroeken, baseball caps, t-shirts, Nike
>> sneakers enz. draagt? Dat je computer geen Windows heeft? Dat je ook
>> nooit bij McDonalds stopt voor een cheeseburger met franse frietjes? To
>> what extent do you practice what you preach?

>Voor sommige dingen heiligt het doel de middelen, Windows. Anders ishet
niet zo makelijk om hier te spreken. Nike sneakers heb ik nog nooit van
>ik haat petjes, ik heb wel een of twee spijkerbroeken. Ik kom noot bij
>en wat t-shirts betreft, ja ik draag ze van niet Amerikaanse merken,
hetzelfde waarschijnlijk voor mijn spijkerbroeken, maar ik weet het is
evengoed deel van
>American culture. Dus ik vind dat ik het wel aardig doe, in vergelijking
>mijn losgeslagen landgenoten.

Wat een gelul, Timmetje Potje Pannetje Domineetje Melkkannetje van de Brink.
De US of A, en ik spreek uit ervaring, Timmetje Pimmetje, zijn beter dan
Nederland, Timmetje, omdat, Timmetje, alles in het buitenland BETER is dan
hier in dit grijze kutland, waar men slechts een Doel lijkt na te streven,
en dat is de ultieme middelmaat, de verstarrende en verstikkende middelmaat.
Die verstikkende middelmaat is nog erger dan de strontberg van die varkens,
die er godverdomme ook niets aan kunnen doen dat zij er zijn. Het is de
HOLLANDER in zijn volle glorie die er debet aan is dat er zoveel varkens
zijn zoals jij, en de Socialistiese Partij natuurlijk.

>> Martina (I love my baseball cap)

Oh, sorry, d'r is een dame in het gezelschap. Mijn excuses.
Ik heb er twee, een van de Cardinals (gekrompen omdat ik em een keertje
probeerde te wassen, dus die past niet meer...) en van de Yankees.

Gekrotspotst naar soc.culture.belgium; ik wil Belg worden, want zoveel onzin
van een landgenoot (omdat ie als zodanig in een soort van veestamboek is
opgenomen, waarin vadertje overheid nog net niet noteert hoe vaak je per
jaar naar de plee mag of met de buurvrouw mag copuleren)


Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

In <> (houghi)
>On Mon, 06 Apr 1998 11:17:16 +0200, "T.v.d. Brink" <"T.v.d.

>Brink"> wrote:
>>Voor sommige dingen heiligt het doel de middelen, Windows. Anders
ishet niet zo makelijk om hier te spreken. Nike sneakers heb ik nog
nooit van gehoord,
>>ik haat petjes, ik heb wel een of twee spijkerbroeken. Ik kom noot
bij McDonalds,
>>en wat t-shirts betreft, ja ik draag ze van niet Amerikaanse merken,
hetzelfde waarschijnlijk voor mijn spijkerbroeken, maar ik weet het is
evengoed deel van
>>American culture. Dus ik vind dat ik het wel aardig doe, in
vergelijking met
>>mijn losgeslagen landgenoten.
>Uiteraard kunne we beter allemaal op Linux overgaan :-) Niet
>Amerikaans. HTML en WWW zijn uit Zwitserland (CERN) afkomstig, dus dat
>komt wel goed. Jeans (De Nimmes) komt uit Frankrijk. De Hamburger uit
>Duitsland, (Net als de Hot Dog), Fast Food is ook in Azië zeer
>populair en dit al van voordat Americo Vespucci het nieuwe continet
>Nog wat 'Amerikaanse' dingen. Baseball is simpel cricket, Basketball
>is korfball en football is rugby.

Not quite, but I'm not going to go into the differences with you.

>En het leuke van die Amerikanen is: ze zijn bijna allemaal Europeanen.

Some of them, sure. Others, no. You are misinformed.

>(Ik ben op de hoogte van de ECHTE Amerikanen en van de Afrikaanse

Yeah I am too. Would you like to discuss that further?

>houghi - delete one houghi from the return address
>Oehoehoughiboeroe is het voor mij.

Whatever melts your butter.



Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

On 7 Apr 1998 00:43:32 GMT, (Wings) wrote:

>>Uiteraard kunne we beter allemaal op Linux overgaan :-) Niet
>>Amerikaans. HTML en WWW zijn uit Zwitserland (CERN) afkomstig, dus dat
>>komt wel goed. Jeans (De Nimmes) komt uit Frankrijk. De Hamburger uit
>>Duitsland, (Net als de Hot Dog), Fast Food is ook in Azië zeer
>>populair en dit al van voordat Americo Vespucci het nieuwe continet
>>Nog wat 'Amerikaanse' dingen. Baseball is simpel cricket, Basketball
>>is korfball en football is rugby.
>Not quite, but I'm not going to go into the differences with you.
Pitty, what I wanted to say is that these sports and products are in
origin from Europe. (Just for your information, Basketball is not, it
is a genuine US invention. Korfball is nicer, because sometimes teams
are mixed and not only male or female)

>>En het leuke van die Amerikanen is: ze zijn bijna allemaal Europeanen.
>Some of them, sure. Others, no. You are misinformed.

Most of them have Eoropean ancestors, even the Mexicans and the people
from Puerto Rico.

>>(Ik ben op de hoogte van de ECHTE Amerikanen en van de Afrikaanse
>Yeah I am too. Would you like to discuss that further?

Sure, how is the percentage from African Americans compared to
'European Americans" and "Asian Americans".

Funny thing is I see all these 'actors' telling that they are from
Italy, ireland or whatever and they probably don't even know where to
look for it.

I am also aware that not all Americas have loud shirts, are old and
have blue hair, but why are those the ones who get out ofn the

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

On 07-apr-98 10:52:18, houghi wrote:

> On 7 Apr 1998 00:43:32 GMT, (Wings) wrote:
> <snip>

> <troll>

> I am also aware that not all Americas have loud shirts, are old and
> have blue hair, but why are those the ones who get out ofn the
> country?
> </troll>

You forgot: why are they all so FAT?


Miss Maggie

Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

The fat ones go to Holland where they can enjoy greasy french fries
slathered with mayonnaise with the corpulent locals. They've found good
company in your country!

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

On 07-apr-98 23:30:37, Miss Maggie wrote:

MM> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>>On 07-apr-98 10:52:18, houghi wrote:
>>> On 7 Apr 1998 00:43:32 GMT, (Wings) wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>> <troll>
>>> I am also aware that not all Americas have loud shirts, are old and
>>> have blue hair, but why are those the ones who get out ofn the
>>> country?
>>> </troll>
>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

MM> The fat ones go to Holland where they can enjoy greasy french fries
MM> slathered with mayonnaise with the corpulent locals.

We make those for the tourists! And corpulent locals? Well we have some,
but recent studies confirmed what everbody already knew: lots of
Americans today weigh too much, while the situation in Holland is much
better, *even* when compared to other european countries!

MM> They've found good
MM> company in your country!

I'm afraid not. Too fat may be normal in the USA by now, but here it
certainly isn't and you will be stared at!

I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the word
'quantity', not 'quality'.


Kees van den Doel

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

In article <>,
Robert-Jan Veldhuizen <> wrote:

>We make those for the tourists! And corpulent locals? Well we have some,
>but recent studies confirmed what everbody already knew: lots of
>Americans today weigh too much, while the situation in Holland is much

Mucho bieno! Velo vreto izzo goedo zeggen Holaders.

> MM> They've found good company in your country!

>I'm afraid not. Too fat may be normal in the USA by now, but here it
>certainly isn't and you will be stared at!

>I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the word
>'quantity', not 'quality'.

Wat een onzin. De kwaliteit van de Amirikaanse "grewters" is groter dan
de Nederlandse hoewel er meer "grewters" in Nederland zijn.

Dit weerlegt jouw uitspraak 100% en je moet nu je excuses aanbieden en
toegen dat je het mis had.


Susan Umpleby

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen <> wrote in article

> On 07-apr-98 10:52:18, houghi wrote:
> > On 7 Apr 1998 00:43:32 GMT, (Wings) wrote:
> > <snip>
> > <troll>
> > I am also aware that not all Americas have loud shirts, are old
> > have blue hair, but why are those the ones who get out ofn the
> > country?
> > </troll>

> You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

> Zorba/Robert-Jan

:) Well, Robert, I'll let you in on our national secret, but promise
not to spread it around. Our FAT is actually a well-planned
phenomenon, implemented on a national scale:

1) our FAT creates jobs & economic opportunities by supporting a
vast network of fitness centers, diet foods, home exercise equipment,
fitness advisors, & exercise clothing manufacturers--thereby
enriching our economy.

2) we aid in the conservation of natural resources, since our FAT
insulates us from cold & heat. Thermostats are adjusted accordingly
and untold amounts of oil, gas & electricity are thereby saved.

3) our FAT save us money when travelling in other countries--able to
live off our FAT to some extent, we don't have to spend as much money
on food.

4) our FAT also benefits those countries we travel in--spending less
on food means that the average American tourist can spend more $
buying items to take home, and so giving a boost to the economies of
those countries.

5) our FAT enables us to spread the desire for the *American way of
life* in those countries that equate extra body fat with success &
wealth, thereby helping to stop the spread of communism.

6) our FAT aids us in our desire to improve the lives of people in
other nations. It is a proven medical fact that laughter is good for
your health in general, and stress & blood pressure in particular.
It warms our hearts that we average citizens can do our part to help
when travelling abroad--our FAT makes you laugh & helps you at the
same time.

So, the next time you see a FAT American tourist you will know that
person is doing his or her bit for the world in general.

Miss Maggie

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

> MM> The fat ones go to Holland where they can enjoy greasy french fries
> MM> slathered with mayonnaise with the corpulent locals.

>We make those for the tourists! And corpulent locals? Well we have some,
>but recent studies confirmed what everbody already knew: lots of
>Americans today weigh too much, while the situation in Holland is much

>better, *even* when compared to other european countries!

I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife beating
is considered "normal marital behavior." Are the standards for obesity the
exact same in both? I've seen plenty of overweight people in Europe.

In any case, why do you have such a problem with obesity? We're not
terribly troubled by you smoking so much, and that's far more unhealthy than
being overweight.

> MM> They've found good

> MM> company in your country!

>I'm afraid not. Too fat may be normal in the USA by now, but here it
>certainly isn't and you will be stared at!

Unless you abide by the Dutch European beauty standard, you will be stared
at like a circus beast. How welcoming and accepting of you.

>I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the word
>'quantity', not 'quality'.

And from where did you derive this little gem, Mr. American of Europe?

Miss Maggie

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

Susan, you are precious! I really enjoyed this one! :)

Susan Umpleby wrote in message <01bd62a7$9ba23000$fa6ffed0@default>...

>> You forgot: why are they all so FAT?


Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...
>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

>I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife beating

>is considered "normal marital behavior."

HUH? Not in Holland it is! It is the other way round. Our opinions are
influenced by Jerry Springer and the lot though.

T-Bear (updated)
) ( ICQ: 8322501
-(((-)))- The truth is out there......

Miss Maggie

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

T-Bear wrote in message <6ggbrt$e0n$>...

>Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...
>>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...
>>>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?
>>I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife beating
>>is considered "normal marital behavior."
>HUH? Not in Holland it is! It is the other way round. Our opinions are
>influenced by Jerry Springer and the lot though.

Beating your spouse is illegal and fully prosecutable.

In any case, thanks for being honest about your TV influences. It seems far
too many Europeans spend too much time in front of the television.


Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...
>T-Bear wrote in message <6ggbrt$e0n$>...
>>Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...
>>>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...
>>>>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

>>>I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife
>>>is considered "normal marital behavior."

>>HUH? Not in Holland it is! It is the other way round. Our opinions are
>>influenced by Jerry Springer and the lot though.

>Beating your spouse is illegal and fully prosecutable.

Off course it is, but why do you think that it is very common in Europe. I
can only speak for the Netherlands, but I think that it is the same here as
in the USA. Why do you think different? I do not think that Dutch men
consider it "normal marital behavior."

I think that I will never be able to beat up a woman. Only when she begins
beating up me!

>In any case, thanks for being honest about your TV influences. It seems
>too many Europeans spend too much time in front of the television.

I spend only half an hour a day in front of the television during weakdays.
The weekends much more as I like to see the CART, NASCAR, F1, SBK, FIM GP
races and sometimes I spend 5 hours watching the newest R&B releases on
TMF's Sylvana's Soul.

Jerry and his TV friends bore me. Sometimes I take a look at the fights when
my brother warns me!

T-Bear ICQ: 8322501 (some R&B lyrics)

Miss Maggie

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

T-Bear wrote in message <6ggmi7$qdd$>...

>Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...

>>>>I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife
>>>>is considered "normal marital behavior."
>>>HUH? Not in Holland it is! It is the other way round. Our opinions are
>>>influenced by Jerry Springer and the lot though.
>>Beating your spouse is illegal and fully prosecutable.
>Off course it is, but why do you think that it is very common in Europe. I
>can only speak for the Netherlands, but I think that it is the same here as
>in the USA. Why do you think different? I do not think that Dutch men
>consider it "normal marital behavior."

Don't know if it's the same in Holland, but a Belgian friend has a friend
still in Belgium who's fighting a losing battle against public sentiment
that beating a wife every once in a while is normal marital behavior.

>I think that I will never be able to beat up a woman. Only when she begins
>beating up me!

In the US, that's still really not a valid excuse. A woman is typically in
a much weaker position to hurt someone.

>>In any case, thanks for being honest about your TV influences. It seems
>>too many Europeans spend too much time in front of the television.
>I spend only half an hour a day in front of the television during weakdays.
>The weekends much more as I like to see the CART, NASCAR, F1, SBK, FIM GP
>races and sometimes I spend 5 hours watching the newest R&B releases on
>TMF's Sylvana's Soul.
>Jerry and his TV friends bore me. Sometimes I take a look at the fights
>my brother warns me!

You've seen enough to confirm your ill-founded generalizations that American
men beat their wives and we're all okay with it!

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

On 08-apr-98 06:04:53, Miss Maggie wrote:

MM> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

>> MM> The fat ones go to Holland where they can enjoy greasy french fries MM>
>> slathered with mayonnaise with the corpulent locals.
>>We make those for the tourists! And corpulent locals? Well we have some, but
>>recent studies confirmed what everbody already knew: lots of Americans today
>>weigh too much, while the situation in Holland is much better, *even* when
>>compared to other european countries!

MM> I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife
MM> beating is considered "normal marital behavior."

I guess you're confused. While there *is* a Paris in Texas, Texas lies
in the USA.

MM> Are the standards for
MM> obesity the exact same in both? I've seen plenty of overweight people in
MM> Europe.

Well then there are megaplenty of them in the USA!

MM> In any case, why do you have such a problem with obesity? We're not
MM> terribly troubled by you smoking so much, and that's far more unhealthy
MM> than being overweight.


>> MM> They've found good
>> MM> company in your country!
>>I'm afraid not. Too fat may be normal in the USA by now, but here it
>>certainly isn't and you will be stared at!

MM> Unless you abide by the Dutch European beauty standard, you will be
MM> stared at like a circus beast. How welcoming and accepting of you.

"Beast" is more a term which apllies to the average overweighted
McDonalds American.

>>I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the word
>>'quantity', not 'quality'.

MM> And from where did you derive this little gem, Mr. American of Europe?

It's common knowledge. At least here in Europe.


Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

On 08-apr-98 18:48:39, Miss Maggie wrote:

MM> T-Bear wrote in message <6ggbrt$e0n$>...

>>Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...

>>>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...
>>>>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

>>>I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife beating

>>>is considered "normal marital behavior."

>>HUH? Not in Holland it is! It is the other way round. Our opinions are
>>influenced by Jerry Springer and the lot though.

Speak for yourself, Grom-bear. I don't watch that American shit.

MM> Beating your spouse is illegal and fully prosecutable.

MM> In any case, thanks for being honest about your TV influences. It seems
MM> far too many Europeans spend too much time in front of the television.

Didn't you know that much of the overweight, especially of children, is
caused by them watching too much TV?

Some even learn how to use guns while watching, how educational!

BTW American television is a nice example of quantity without quality.


Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

On 08-apr-98 05:37:10, Susan Umpleby wrote:

SU> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen <> wrote in article
SU> <>...

>> On 07-apr-98 10:52:18, houghi wrote:
>> > On 7 Apr 1998 00:43:32 GMT, (Wings) wrote:
>> > <snip>
>> > <troll>
>> > I am also aware that not all Americas have loud shirts, are old

SU> and

>> > have blue hair, but why are those the ones who get out ofn the
>> > country?
>> > </troll>

>> You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

>> Zorba/Robert-Jan

SU> ------------------------
SU> :) Well, Robert, I'll let you in on our national secret, but promise
SU> not to spread it around. Our FAT is actually a well-planned
SU> phenomenon, implemented on a national scale:

[six-pack action plan]

SU> So, the next time you see a FAT American tourist you will know that
SU> person is doing his or her bit for the world in general.

Thanks for sharing your insight in this matter! Still one question
though: why are the Americans so generous to the whole world then?


Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

On 08-apr-98 04:38:35, Kees van den Doel wrote:

Kvd> In article <>,

Kvd> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen <> wrote:

>>We make those for the tourists! And corpulent locals? Well we have some, but
>>recent studies confirmed what everbody already knew: lots of Americans today
>>weigh too much, while the situation in Holland is much

Kvd> Mucho bieno! Velo vreto izzo goedo zeggen Holaders.

>> MM> They've found good company in your country!

>>I'm afraid not. Too fat may be normal in the USA by now, but here it
>>certainly isn't and you will be stared at!

>>I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the word

>>'quantity', not 'quality'.

Kvd> Wat een onzin. De kwaliteit van de Amirikaanse "grewters" is groter dan
Kvd> de Nederlandse hoewel er meer "grewters" in Nederland zijn.

Kvd> Dit weerlegt jouw uitspraak 100% en je moet nu je excuses aanbieden en
Kvd> toegen dat je het mis had.

Ok ik toeg dat ik het mis had en jouw Amirikaanse "grewters" weerlegt
dat 100%.

Kvd> Kees


olivier laurent

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Miss Maggie wrote:

> Don't know if it's the same in Holland, but a Belgian friend has a friend
> still in Belgium who's fighting a losing battle against public sentiment
> that beating a wife every once in a while is normal marital behavior.

??? :-) where does miss maggie come from ? She seems to have friends in every
countries in the world, she knows everything by personnal experience (arguments
? she don't need its) .

She's really fascinating ;-) . And she has a friend who knows a friend who knows
somebody else ...



Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

In <> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

<> writes:
>On 07-apr-98 10:52:18, houghi wrote:
>> On 7 Apr 1998 00:43:32 GMT, (Wings) wrote:
>> <snip>
>> <troll>
>> I am also aware that not all Americas have loud shirts, are old and

>> have blue hair, but why are those the ones who get out ofn the
>> country?
>> </troll>
>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.



Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Ben jij eigenlijk FAT? Ik niet, maar ja, ik h^Hben dan ook een gezonde
Hollandse jongen!


Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

> MM> I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife
> MM> beating is considered "normal marital behavior."
>I guess you're confused. While there *is* a Paris in Texas, Texas lies
>in the USA.

Another pathetic stereotype. Never been to Texas, have you? It must be
nice subsisting on media-generated stereotypes over there in Amsterdam.

> MM> Are the standards for
> MM> obesity the exact same in both? I've seen plenty of overweight people
> MM> Europe.
>Well then there are megaplenty of them in the USA!

Really? Have you ever been here? Where did you go?

> MM> In any case, why do you have such a problem with obesity? We're not
> MM> terribly troubled by you smoking so much, and that's far more
> MM> than being overweight.

Yes, I guess you're not terribly troubled by smoking too much. It's nice to
see that we agree at least on one point.

> MM> Unless you abide by the Dutch European beauty standard, you will be
> MM> stared at like a circus beast. How welcoming and accepting of you.
>"Beast" is more a term which apllies to the average overweighted
>McDonalds American.

What's this obsession with McDonald's in Europe? Are you upset that they
don't serve enough mayonnaise with the french fries for your fancy? You
can't bring up America with some Europeans without talking about McDonald''s
and Coca Cola. I guess since this is all they choose to see about our
society, it's just an instance of willful ignorance.

>>>I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the word
>>>'quantity', not 'quality'.

> MM> And from where did you derive this little gem, Mr. American of Europe?
>It's common knowledge. At least here in Europe.

Isn't it also 'common knowledge' in the rest of Europe that the Dutch are
incredibly lazy, greedy, penny-pinching, drug-addicted prostitutes?

Thank goodness not everyone relies on such "common knowledge" in
understanding the world...

Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

> MM> In any case, thanks for being honest about your TV influences. It
> MM> far too many Europeans spend too much time in front of the television.

>Didn't you know that much of the overweight, especially of children, is
>caused by them watching too much TV?

No, I had no idea. It's wonderful that we have such a reputable authority
on such matters to set things straight for us.

>Some even learn how to use guns while watching, how educational!

Yes, Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake and Jenny Jones each have weekly "How to
shoot your classmates!" episodes. I guess you get them too by satellite
feed. And you maintain that we don't have educational television here!

>BTW American television is a nice example of quantity without quality.

I can see why you Dutch are called the "Americans of Europe." You choose to
import so much of this "quantity-based" television to your shores. Hey, if
you didn't have it, where would you come up with so many wonderful

Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

olivier laurent wrote in message <>...

Well, finally I get some appreciation out of you European buggers! :)
Honey, 56 years (oops, I dated myself), raising two children almost
completely on your own, and now effectively raising my two grandchildren can
give you some insights.

In any case, I don't personally know the Belgian woman working against
spouse abuse. I *do* know a Belgian friend who lives here and is close to
this woman. I live in San Francisco, and you have the opportunity to meet
all sorts of people from all over the world here.

Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Wings wrote in message <6gh8pg$>...

>In <> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen
><> writes:

>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?
>They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.


Beware, Martina. Robert-Johan von Veldhauser and some others may lynch you
for 'treason'. You can not betray royal Dutch stereotypes about Americans
and get away with it!


Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen heeft geschreven in bericht

>On 08-apr-98 18:48:39, Miss Maggie wrote:

> MM> T-Bear wrote in message <6ggbrt$e0n$>...
>>>Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...

>>>>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>>>>>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

>>>>I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife

>>>>is considered "normal marital behavior."

>>>HUH? Not in Holland it is! It is the other way round. Our opinions are

>>>influenced by Jerry Springer and the lot though.

>Speak for yourself, Grom-bear. I don't watch that American shit.

Hey have I signed the message with your name? Admit it, you must have been
watching Ophrah, Springer, whatever in a certain dark period of your live!
Don't you even watch Jay Leno?

T-Bear ICQ: 8322501 (updated)


Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

On Thu, 9 Apr 1998 07:56:40 +0200, "T-Bear"
<> wrote:

>Hey have I signed the message with your name? Admit it, you must have been
>watching Ophrah, Springer, whatever in a certain dark period of your live!
>Don't you even watch Jay Leno?

I thought Jay Leno was Italian. At least, that is what he keeps saying
himself all the time. Maybe he is ashamed to be American.

Must say that I live Baywatch. No nonsence, only bodies t.v. More of
this please.

(And I don't even have a tv)


Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 05:49:54 GMT, "Miss Maggie" <>

>Isn't it also 'common knowledge' in the rest of Europe that the Dutch are
>incredibly lazy, greedy, penny-pinching, drug-addicted prostitutes?
Thats why we call it heaven. Slow sex for almost free.

>Thank goodness not everyone relies on such "common knowledge" in
>understanding the world...


Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

houghi wrote in message <>...

>I thought Jay Leno was Italian. At least, that is what he keeps saying
>himself all the time. Maybe he is ashamed to be American.

"Italian" means "Italian-American." The American part is understood by his
language, his behavior, his birthplace, residence, etc. He's speaking to an
American audience, so they know that he's not "ashamed to be American."

>Must say that I live Baywatch. No nonsence, only bodies t.v. More of
>this please.

Number one TV show in the world, because yahoos like you love it so much.
Maybe you can get breast implants and enjoy playing with them as much as you
enjoy the show.

>(And I don't even have a tv)

Do you get TV signals transmitted directly to your brain?


Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 09:32:58 GMT, "Miss Maggie" <>


>houghi wrote in message <>...
>>I thought Jay Leno was Italian. At least, that is what he keeps saying
>>himself all the time. Maybe he is ashamed to be American.
>"Italian" means "Italian-American." The American part is understood by his
>language, his behavior, his birthplace, residence, etc. He's speaking to an
>American audience, so they know that he's not "ashamed to be American."

Ahh, like African-American means African. Clears a lot up.

>>Must say that I live Baywatch. No nonsence, only bodies t.v. More of
>>this please.
>Number one TV show in the world, because yahoos like you love it so much.
>Maybe you can get breast implants and enjoy playing with them as much as you
>enjoy the show.

That is what the movies is about. Looking at things you do not see in
real live. Why are there only ugly people on Dutch tv? Because that is
what we normaly do not see in our daily lives.

>>(And I don't even have a tv)
>Do you get TV signals transmitted directly to your brain?

Duhhhh, you need a brain for that. (better to say it myself)

Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

houghi wrote in message <>...

>On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 09:32:58 GMT, "Miss Maggie" <>

>>"Italian" means "Italian-American." The American part is understood by
>>language, his behavior, his birthplace, residence, etc. He's speaking to
>>American audience, so they know that he's not "ashamed to be American."
>Ahh, like African-American means African. Clears a lot up.

African-American means an American of African anscestry, and
Italian-American means an American of Italian anscestry. Get it?

>That is what the movies is about. Looking at things you do not see in
>real live. Why are there only ugly people on Dutch tv? Because that is
>what we normaly do not see in our daily lives.

Yes, no ugly people in Holland. Just on TV.

>>Do you get TV signals transmitted directly to your brain?
>Duhhhh, you need a brain for that. (better to say it myself)

You live Beavis and Butthead too, don't you?

Kees van den Doel

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

In article <>,
Robert-Jan Veldhuizen <> wrote:

>>>I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the word
>>>'quantity', not 'quality'.

> Kvd> Wat een onzin. De kwaliteit van de Amirikaanse "grewters" is groter dan

> Kvd> de Nederlandse hoewel er meer "grewters" in Nederland zijn.

> Kvd> Dit weerlegt jouw uitspraak 100% en je moet nu je excuses aanbieden en
> Kvd> toegen dat je het mis had.

>Ok ik toeg dat ik het mis had en jouw Amirikaanse "grewters" weerlegt
>dat 100%.

Dt ize helle grotte boel goede Zoro! Mij is hel blei metted feno meen.


Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

On 09-apr-98 12:03:12, Miss Maggie wrote:

MM> houghi wrote in message <>...

>>On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 09:32:58 GMT, "Miss Maggie" <>
>>>"Italian" means "Italian-American." The American part is understood by

MM> his

>>>language, his behavior, his birthplace, residence, etc. He's speaking to

MM> an

>>>American audience, so they know that he's not "ashamed to be American."
>>Ahh, like African-American means African. Clears a lot up.

MM> African-American means an American of African anscestry, and
MM> Italian-American means an American of Italian anscestry. Get it?

Thank you, that brings us to another really interesting issue:

American-American, means an American of American ancestry.


Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

On 09-apr-98 06:58:30, Miss Maggie wrote:

MM> Wings wrote in message <6gh8pg$>...

>>In <> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen
>><> writes:

>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

>>They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.

MM> Beware, Martina. Robert-Johan von Veldhauser and some others may lynch
MM> you for 'treason'. You can not betray royal Dutch stereotypes about
MM> Americans and get away with it!

I'm Dutch, not German.

And you're Miss "can't get away with it" Maggie and she is Martina
"wings of an angel", your captain.


Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

On 09-apr-98 06:52:55, Miss Maggie wrote:

MM> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>> MM> In any case, thanks for being honest about your TV influences. It

MM> seems

>> MM> far too many Europeans spend too much time in front of the television.

>>Didn't you know that much of the overweight, especially of children, is
>>caused by them watching too much TV?

MM> No, I had no idea. It's wonderful that we have such a reputable
MM> authority on such matters to set things straight for us.

I guess the Dead Kennedies were right with their "Bedtime for

>>Some even learn how to use guns while watching, how educational!

MM> Yes, Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake and Jenny Jones each have weekly "How to
MM> shoot your classmates!" episodes. I guess you get them too by satellite
MM> feed. And you maintain that we don't have educational television here!

No, i just told you that you *do*: isn't learning how to shoot one of
the essentials of American happy family life?

>>BTW American television is a nice example of quantity without quality.

MM> I can see why you Dutch are called the "Americans of Europe." You choose
MM> to import so much of this "quantity-based" television to your shores.
MM> Hey, if you didn't have it, where would you come up with so many
MM> wonderful stereotypes?!

Indeed, good to see you agree with the lack of quality.



Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Lectorum salutem hic do. Tu "Miss Maggie" <> ,die Wed,
08 Apr 1998 20:49:20 GMT, hic coram populo in foro
soc.culture.netherlands (et alii) vehementer atque tauri
excrementaliter scripsisti:

>T-Bear wrote in message <6ggmi7$qdd$>...

>>Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...

>>>>>I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife
>>>>>is considered "normal marital behavior."
>>>>HUH? Not in Holland it is! It is the other way round. Our opinions are
>>>>influenced by Jerry Springer and the lot though.

>>>Beating your spouse is illegal and fully prosecutable.

>>Off course it is, but why do you think that it is very common in Europe. I
>>can only speak for the Netherlands, but I think that it is the same here as
>>in the USA. Why do you think different? I do not think that Dutch men
>>consider it "normal marital behavior."

>Don't know if it's the same in Holland, but a Belgian friend has a friend
>still in Belgium who's fighting a losing battle against public sentiment
>that beating a wife every once in a while is normal marital behavior.

ha ha ha ha...
my dutch wife never complained about this, despite we settled here in
my native country, Belgium, 30 years ago! And never heard anything
like over here...

what the fuck is that for bullshit!

>>I think that I will never be able to beat up a woman. Only when she begins
>>beating up me!
>In the US, that's still really not a valid excuse. A woman is typically in
>a much weaker position to hurt someone.

Not if she's good in shooting.

>>>In any case, thanks for being honest about your TV influences. It seems

>>>too many Europeans spend too much time in front of the television.

>>I spend only half an hour a day in front of the television during weakdays.
>>The weekends much more as I like to see the CART, NASCAR, F1, SBK, FIM GP
>>races and sometimes I spend 5 hours watching the newest R&B releases on
>>TMF's Sylvana's Soul.
>>Jerry and his TV friends bore me. Sometimes I take a look at the fights
>>my brother warns me!
>You've seen enough to confirm your ill-founded generalizations that American
>men beat their wives and we're all okay with it!

And you , imagining it could be the case in Belgium...

shoud you make Karl Marx's statement true:
"Bullshitters of all countries, unite"?


Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>American-American, means an American of American ancestry.

I guess they could use that if they wanted to, but they usually don't. They
prefer "Indian", "American Indian" or "Native American." Perhaps you make
the suggestion the appropriate groups.

Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>>>They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.

> MM> Beware, Martina. Robert-Johan von Veldhauser and some others may

> MM> you for 'treason'. You can not betray royal Dutch stereotypes about
> MM> Americans and get away with it!
>I'm Dutch, not German.

I know. I just know how you Dutch hate the Germans, so I particularly
enjoyed Germanizing your name. :)

>And you're Miss "can't get away with it" Maggie and she is Martina
>"wings of an angel", your captain.

Captain, my captain! At your service!

Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

> MM> No, I had no idea. It's wonderful that we have such a reputable
> MM> authority on such matters to set things straight for us.
>I guess the Dead Kennedies were right with their "Bedtime for

I'm seeing a pattern here.... these disgruntled Europeans are hearing music
lyrics and taking them to be the gospel. It's interesting you've found a
handful of capitalist rich white boys to be your source of propaganda.

>No, i just told you that you *do*: isn't learning how to shoot one of
>the essentials of American happy family life?

Absolutely, just like smoking crack, knifing people for money, never working
and prostituting your children are the essentials of happy Dutch family

> MM> I can see why you Dutch are called the "Americans of Europe." You
> MM> to import so much of this "quantity-based" television to your shores.
> MM> Hey, if you didn't have it, where would you come up with so many
> MM> wonderful stereotypes?!
>Indeed, good to see you agree with the lack of quality.

We know what the export market likes, and from your own account, it *is*
quantity over quality. Congratulate *yourselves*, why don't you?!

Miss Maggie

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Fustigator wrote in message <>...

>ha ha ha ha...
>my dutch wife never complained about this, despite we settled here in
>my native country, Belgium, 30 years ago! And never heard anything
>like over here...
>what the fuck is that for bullshit!

You don't beat your wife, so no Belgian men beat their wives. What a
wonderful, logical thought process.

>>In the US, that's still really not a valid excuse. A woman is typically
>>a much weaker position to hurt someone.
>Not if she's good in shooting.

Damn right, honey.

>>You've seen enough to confirm your ill-founded generalizations that
>>men beat their wives and we're all okay with it!
>And you , imagining it could be the case in Belgium...

Not me; read the thread first.

>shoud you make Karl Marx's statement true:
>"Bullshitters of all countries, unite"?

Interesting; how does one say "bullshitter" in German? or is this yet
another example of your brilliant logic?

Susan Umpleby

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen <> wrote in article

> On 08-apr-98 05:37:10, Susan Umpleby wrote:
> SU> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen <> wrote in article
> SU> <>...
> >> On 07-apr-98 10:52:18, houghi wrote:
> >>
> >> > On 7 Apr 1998 00:43:32 GMT, (Wings) wrote:
> >> > <snip>
> >>
> >> > <troll>
> >> > I am also aware that not all Americas have loud shirts, are
> SU> and

> >> > have blue hair, but why are those the ones who get out ofn the
> >> > country?
> >> > </troll>
> >> You forgot: why are they all so FAT?
> >>
> >> Zorba/Robert-Jan
> SU> ------------------------
> SU> :) Well, Robert, I'll let you in on our national secret, but
> SU> not to spread it around. Our FAT is actually a well-planned
> SU> phenomenon, implemented on a national scale:
> [six-pack action plan]
> SU> So, the next time you see a FAT American tourist you will know
> SU> person is doing his or her bit for the world in general.
> Thanks for sharing your insight in this matter! Still one question
> though: why are the Americans so generous to the whole world then?
> --
> Zorba/Robert-Jan

We're just naturally helpful & generous. :) We don't have a
monopoly on that; it's just that we are so enormous compared to other
countries that the amount we can do is bigger as well. So many
posters here seem to focus just on what the US does around the world,
forgetting that the major powers in general give foreign aid, grants,
loans, advice, disaster relief, etc. The same goes for smaller
countries that can afford it.

When you sit down & think about (not just knee-jerk reaction), the US
is no more
evil than any other country. Our government tries to spread its
political ideals to other countries--so do many, many other
countries. We have intervened militarily in other nations
affairs--so have most of the other countries on earth. We send food,
aid & advisors to other countries--so do all other countries with the
means. Our citizens feel that *their* country is the best on Earth,
bar none--well, judging by the posts from Netherlands, Germany, UK,
France, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Mexico & Latin America to name a
few that I've seen in these NGs, so do the citizens of other

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

On 09-apr-98 22:02:03, Miss Maggie wrote:

MM> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>> MM> No, I had no idea. It's wonderful that we have such a reputable
>> MM> authority on such matters to set things straight for us.
>>I guess the Dead Kennedies were right with their "Bedtime for

MM> I'm seeing a pattern here.... these disgruntled Europeans are hearing
MM> music lyrics and taking them to be the gospel. It's interesting you've
MM> found a handful of capitalist rich white boys to be your source of
MM> propaganda.

Well they *are* American after all, so they must be right right?

>>No, i just told you that you *do*: isn't learning how to shoot one of
>>the essentials of American happy family life?

MM> Absolutely, just like smoking crack, knifing people for money, never
MM> working and prostituting your children are the essentials of happy Dutch
MM> family life.

You're misinformed there: those are all typical American things too.
Esspecially crack. Here we just smoke pot, far more healthier and

>> MM> I can see why you Dutch are called the "Americans of Europe." You

>> MM> choose

>> MM> to import so much of this "quantity-based" television to your shores.
>> MM> Hey, if you didn't have it, where would you come up with so many MM>
>> wonderful stereotypes?!
>>Indeed, good to see you agree with the lack of quality.

MM> We know what the export market likes, and from your own account, it *is*
MM> quantity over quality. Congratulate *yourselves*, why don't you?!

A shame though that national television in the USA is of the same
"quality" as your export!


Rob Barends

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In article <>, olivier laurent <> says:

>Miss Maggie wrote:
>> Don't know if it's the same in Holland, but a Belgian friend has a friend
>> still in Belgium who's fighting a losing battle against public sentiment
>> that beating a wife every once in a while is normal marital behavior.
>??? :-) where does miss maggie come from ? She seems to have friends in every
>countries in the world, she knows everything by personnal experience (arguments
>? she don't need its) .

What's your beef, mate ? I have friends in a lot of countries on 5 continents.
That's what happens to us, globetrotters.


E. Barry Bruyea

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 20:56:53 GMT, "Miss Maggie" <>


And don't forget the "Natives" north of the 49th. They happen to be


Rob Barends

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In article <6kZW.8934$>, "Miss Maggie" <> says:
>Isn't it also 'common knowledge' in the rest of Europe that the Dutch are
>incredibly lazy, greedy, penny-pinching, drug-addicted prostitutes?

Yeah, and boy, am I glad I came to the USA where a ladyy, creamy, fanny-pinching
whore can make 10X the money compared to NL, because it is illegal.

>Thank goodness not everyone relies on such "common knowledge" in
>understanding the world...

Robert-Jan is not so bad. At least he is not dogmatic in his beliefs. He can be
convinced by reason. It's just unfortunate that we have to overcome media-hyped
preconceived notions before the real reasoning can start.


Rob Barends

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In article <>, Robert-Jan Veldhuizen <> says:

>On 08-apr-98 06:04:53, Miss Maggie wrote:
> MM> Unless you abide by the Dutch European beauty standard, you will be
> MM> stared at like a circus beast. How welcoming and accepting of you.
>"Beast" is more a term which apllies to the average overweighted
>McDonalds American.

Hey, quit the insults. The last time I ate a McDonald's anything was also
the first time I did. My gut comes from booze and a sedentary lifestyle.
That's all going to change soon, though.

>>>I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the word
>>>'quantity', not 'quality'.

> MM> And from where did you derive this little gem, Mr. American of Europe?
>It's common knowledge. At least here in Europe.

Here we go again. It's not knowledge. I agree that there are more
overweight Americans than Dutch as a percentage of the population.
But it's not true that every other American is fat, like so many
Europeans seem to believe, undoubtedly based on your encyclopedic
knowledge of Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones guests.



Miss Maggie

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Susan Umpleby wrote in message <01bd6410$4d71cd40$046cfed0@default>...

>When you sit down & think about (not just knee-jerk reaction), the US
>is no more
>evil than any other country. Our government tries to spread its
>political ideals to other countries--so do many, many other
>countries. We have intervened militarily in other nations
>affairs--so have most of the other countries on earth. We send food,
>aid & advisors to other countries--so do all other countries with the
>means. Our citizens feel that *their* country is the best on Earth,
>bar none--well, judging by the posts from Netherlands, Germany, UK,
>France, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Mexico & Latin America to name a
>few that I've seen in these NGs, so do the citizens of other

The difference I see is that, however arrogant people think it is to do so,
Americans want to share what they see as their happiness with the world.
Many of us really do believe other countries should do things the way we do
them. Of course, this inevitably sparks discussion along the lines of, "Let
other countries do things the way they do them!" This tranlates loosely to,
"We'll enjoy our freedoms and lifestyle here while enjoying exploitation of
developing countries; we don't give a damn about how they feel. They must
*like* to be oppressed by their government and their culture." Of course,
this is bull and no one likes to be exploited or oppressed, despite
romanticizations by the likes of "Red" and Mark deSocio.

I've spoken with thousands of women intimately about these kinds of issues,
and it might very well surprise some of you that women think remarkably
similarly across borders. Women do not like to be beaten by their husbands,
they do not like to have the government interfere in the way they raise
their children, by and large they want the freedom to opt out of a marriage
that may not be working for them, etc.

People also forget that the US is an immigrant culture, and people here have
strong feelings about the countries from which they came. This often shifts
US policy. It's no coincidence that US intervention on behalf of Israel has
everything to do with the fact that there are a lot of Jews here. The ones
pressing for sanctions against Cubans are Cuban-Americans.
Chinese-Americans are vocal about rapprochement (or not) with China. The
fact that we've entered two brutally bloody wars on behalf of Europe has
everything to do with a fondness for Europe among white Americans
(oops....."Americans of European anscestry.") Croatian-Americans protesting
in the US affected policy against Yugoslavia. Of course, not all foreign
policy is driven by instances like this; some are for naked greed (like
Kuwait, Azerbaijan, etc.) There are many factors affecting US foreign
policy, but ethnic constituencies are a large part of them.

It's also very naive to assume that countries that trade with countries
which the US doesn't, like Cuba, do so because of "humanitarian reasons."
In these cases, naked greed is the driving reason, and the countries aren't
getting any richer for it.


Miss Maggie

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

> MM> I'm seeing a pattern here.... these disgruntled Europeans are hearing
> MM> music lyrics and taking them to be the gospel. It's interesting
> MM> found a handful of capitalist rich white boys to be your source of
> MM> propaganda.
>Well they *are* American after all, so they must be right right?

*You* listen to them, not me....

> MM> Absolutely, just like smoking crack, knifing people for money, never
> MM> working and prostituting your children are the essentials of happy
> MM> family life.
>You're misinformed there: those are all typical American things too.
>Esspecially crack. Here we just smoke pot, far more healthier and

Of course. Americans' laziness is world renowned, as is our prostitution

> MM> We know what the export market likes, and from your own account, it
> MM> quantity over quality. Congratulate *yourselves*, why don't you?!
>A shame though that national television in the USA is of the same
>"quality" as your export!

You probably don't even bother importing "trash" like Seinfeld, do you?

Rob Barends

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In article <PDaX.346$>, "Miss Maggie" <> says:
>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>>I'm Dutch, not German.
>I know. I just know how you Dutch hate the Germans, so I particularly
>enjoyed Germanizing your name. :)

Wrong, Maggie! "The Dutch" don't hate "the Germans". Some Dutch hate "the Germans",
some of us hate "some Germans", and the majority doesn't give a damn one way or
another. As usual, generalizations lead to zip.

>>And you're Miss "can't get away with it" Maggie and she is Martina
>>"wings of an angel", your captain.
>Captain, my captain! At your service!

Srcub the deck, wench!! Then come to my cabin.


Rob Barends

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In article <>, Robert-Jan Veldhuizen <> says:

>On 09-apr-98 02:37:52, Wings wrote:
>> They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.
>Ben jij eigenlijk FAT? Ik niet, maar ja, ik h^Hben dan ook een gezonde
>Hollandse jongen!

Omdat ze dat van zichzelf niet zal zeggen, zal ik het maar even zeggen:
Martina heeft een figuur als een supermodel met spieren.




Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In <> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

<> writes:
>On 09-apr-98 02:37:52, Wings wrote:
>> In <> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen
>> <> writes:
>>>On 07-apr-98 10:52:18, houghi wrote:
>>>> On 7 Apr 1998 00:43:32 GMT, (Wings) wrote:
>>>> <snip>
>>>> <troll>
>>>> I am also aware that not all Americas have loud shirts, are old
>>>> have blue hair, but why are those the ones who get out ofn the
>>>> country?
>>>> </troll>
>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?
>> They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.
>Ben jij eigenlijk FAT? Ik niet, maar ja, ik h^Hben dan ook een gezonde
>Hollandse jongen!

I am big as a house. :-)




Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In <asZW.9076$> "Miss Maggie"

<> writes:
>Wings wrote in message <6gh8pg$>...
>>In <> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen
>><> writes:
>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?
>>They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.

>Beware, Martina. Robert-Johan von Veldhauser and some others may
lynch you

>for 'treason'. You can not betray royal Dutch stereotypes about
>and get away with it!

I think they already know that I do stand up for what I believe is
right, and if they wish to construe that as "treason", well then so be
it, but it's most certainly not true. I do believe that I know the
Dutch (since I was born and raised Dutch, although I have applied for
American citizenship) and I also believe that I know the Americans (I
have been here for the past 16 years).

For some of the Dutch people on SCN to beat up on the Americans doesn't
make me feel particularly good. In most cases I do understand where
they are coming from, although I don't necessarily agree with it. So
perhaps I straddle the fence. However, when untruths, stereotypes and
myths are told about my new country I will say something. That doesn't
mean that I will ever forget where I came from. Holland will always
have a very special place in my heart.



Kees van den Doel

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In article <6gjqik$>,
Rob Barends <> wrote:

>Here we go again. It's not knowledge. I agree that there are more
>overweight Americans than Dutch as a percentage of the population.
>But it's not true that every other American is fat, like so many
>Europeans seem to believe, undoubtedly based on your encyclopedic
>knowledge of Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones guests.

Whenever I cross the border from Canada to the US the most prominent
change in the human environment that springs to my mind via my eyes is
the fatness of the people. The UGLY GROSS fatness I should say. European
and Canadian fat people look better because they are fat because of
their genes, and therefore designed to be fat and they actually look
quite healthy. American fatness consists of artificial steroids and TV
couch fatties enhanced by too much TV (yes they actually eat their TV's
I think).

It also becomes all of a sudden very difficult to find a drink
consisting of water with something tasty, like Canadian Club Soda,
rather than sugarwater with artificial colour.



Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In <> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

<> writes:
>On 09-apr-98 22:02:03, Miss Maggie wrote:
> MM> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message

>>> MM> No, I had no idea. It's wonderful that we have such a
>>> MM> authority on such matters to set things straight for us.
>>>I guess the Dead Kennedies were right with their "Bedtime for
> MM> I'm seeing a pattern here.... these disgruntled Europeans are
> MM> music lyrics and taking them to be the gospel. It's interesting
> MM> found a handful of capitalist rich white boys to be your source
> MM> propaganda.
>Well they *are* American after all, so they must be right right?
>>>No, i just told you that you *do*: isn't learning how to shoot one
>>>the essentials of American happy family life?

And what do you know about happy family life in the US? Every country
has its problems, and I've said it before, just because we have such an
active press here, everything gets magnified in the international news.
I think just for kicks, we should start looking at some of the problems
you guys have and what you're doing about it. I'm sure we can come up
with some.

> MM> Absolutely, just like smoking crack, knifing people for money,
> MM> working and prostituting your children are the essentials of
happy Dutch
> MM> family life.
>You're misinformed there: those are all typical American things too.
>Esspecially crack. Here we just smoke pot, far more healthier and

Oh, hebben jullie dat heroine probleem opgelost?

>>> MM> I can see why you Dutch are called the "Americans of Europe."
>>> MM> choose
>>> MM> to import so much of this "quantity-based" television to your
>>> MM> Hey, if you didn't have it, where would you come up with so
many MM>
>>> wonderful stereotypes?!
>>>Indeed, good to see you agree with the lack of quality.

> MM> We know what the export market likes, and from your own account,
it *is*
> MM> quantity over quality. Congratulate *yourselves*, why don't
>A shame though that national television in the USA is of the same
>"quality" as your export!

I couldn't care less about the quality of national television in the
US. As long as you guys buy it, there must be something to it. If you
have a problem with the quality of tv, then don't watch it. I don't.




Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In <6gjqik$> (Rob
Barends) writes:
>In article <>, Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

<> says:
>>On 08-apr-98 06:04:53, Miss Maggie wrote:
>> MM> Unless you abide by the Dutch European beauty standard, you will
>> MM> stared at like a circus beast. How welcoming and accepting of
>>"Beast" is more a term which apllies to the average overweighted
>>McDonalds American.
>Hey, quit the insults. The last time I ate a McDonald's anything was
>the first time I did. My gut comes from booze and a sedentary
>That's all going to change soon, though.
>>>>I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the
>>>>'quantity', not 'quality'.
>> MM> And from where did you derive this little gem, Mr. American of
>>It's common knowledge. At least here in Europe.
>Here we go again. It's not knowledge. I agree that there are more
>overweight Americans than Dutch as a percentage of the population.
>But it's not true that every other American is fat, like so many
>Europeans seem to believe, undoubtedly based on your encyclopedic
>knowledge of Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones guests.

Most people in Europe are thinner because they get more exercise, and
that's out of pure necessity. Especially in Holland you can't get
around in your car, because you can't park the dang thing anywhere, so
you have to walk or ride a bike. If i want to go to the store here in
Houston, I need my car. No way am I going to walk a mile in this
blistering heat with a couple of sacks with groceries. In Holland
however you have the local bakery, the greengrocer, the butcher, Albert
Heijn, the office supply store, the cafe, the furniture store, the
electric supply store, the car dealership, and the coffeeshop all
within spittin' distance. Real neat, except when it rains. 'Cause then
you get to haul it all while trying to keep your umbrella up. So much



Adriana C. Bruggeman

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In article <7seX.1959$>,
Miss Maggie <> wrote:

>People also forget that the US is an immigrant culture, and people here have
>strong feelings about the countries from which they came. This often shifts
>US policy. It's no coincidence that US intervention on behalf of Israel has
>everything to do with the fact that there are a lot of Jews here.

The fact that there are a lot of Jews with a lot of money, you mean.

>The ones pressing for sanctions against Cubans are Cuban-Americans.

And such a succesful policy at that too.

>Chinese-Americans are vocal about rapprochement (or not) with China.

Oh, that's why the US gave China this favored nation trade status.

Dream on.

`\------,(__) I don't care if it rains or freezes __o
* | (oo) as long as I got me plastic Jezus _`\<,_
* ||w--||(..)~* sitting on the dashboard of my car..pompom.. (_)/ (_)


Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In <> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen

<> writes:
>On 09-apr-98 12:03:12, Miss Maggie wrote:
> MM> houghi wrote in message <>...
>>>On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 09:32:58 GMT, "Miss Maggie" <>
>>>>"Italian" means "Italian-American." The American part is
understood by
> MM> his
>>>>language, his behavior, his birthplace, residence, etc. He's
speaking to
> MM> an
>>>>American audience, so they know that he's not "ashamed to be
>>>Ahh, like African-American means African. Clears a lot up.
> MM> African-American means an American of African anscestry, and
> MM> Italian-American means an American of Italian anscestry. Get it?
>Thank you, that brings us to another really interesting issue:
>American-American, means an American of American ancestry.

Zorro, put a sock in it, please.



Miss Maggie

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Kees van den Doel wrote in message <6gjv41$qd1$>...

>Whenever I cross the border from Canada to the US the most prominent
>change in the human environment that springs to my mind via my eyes is
>the fatness of the people. The UGLY GROSS fatness I should say. European
>and Canadian fat people look better because they are fat because of
>their genes, and therefore designed to be fat and they actually look
>quite healthy. American fatness consists of artificial steroids and TV
>couch fatties enhanced by too much TV (yes they actually eat their TV's
>I think).
>It also becomes all of a sudden very difficult to find a drink
>consisting of water with something tasty, like Canadian Club Soda,
>rather than sugarwater with artificial colour.

Well, I suppose I can speak on behalf of all Americans when we thank you for
avoiding us UGLY GROSS TV-EATING FATTIES and for not ever visiting the US
again. Enjoy the Canada Dry!

Miss Maggie

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Wings wrote in message <6gjtne$>...

>I think they already know that I do stand up for what I believe is
>right, and if they wish to construe that as "treason", well then so be
>it, but it's most certainly not true. I do believe that I know the
>Dutch (since I was born and raised Dutch, although I have applied for
>American citizenship) and I also believe that I know the Americans (I
>have been here for the past 16 years).
>For some of the Dutch people on SCN to beat up on the Americans doesn't
>make me feel particularly good. In most cases I do understand where
>they are coming from, although I don't necessarily agree with it. So
>perhaps I straddle the fence. However, when untruths, stereotypes and
>myths are told about my new country I will say something. That doesn't
>mean that I will ever forget where I came from. Holland will always
>have a very special place in my heart.

Well, sweetie, you have a lot of educating to do to your erstwhile
countrymen. And I'd suggest not taking up that American habit of eating
television sets either. :)


Miss Maggie

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Adriana C. Bruggeman wrote in message <6gk7b2$rpf$>...

>In article <7seX.1959$>,
>Miss Maggie <> wrote:
>>People also forget that the US is an immigrant culture, and people here
>>strong feelings about the countries from which they came. This often
>>US policy. It's no coincidence that US intervention on behalf of Israel
>>everything to do with the fact that there are a lot of Jews here.
>The fact that there are a lot of Jews with a lot of money, you mean.

Lots of Europeans and European-Americans with lots of money here too, hence
involvement in the two world wars.

>>The ones pressing for sanctions against Cubans are Cuban-Americans.
>And such a succesful policy at that too.
>>Chinese-Americans are vocal about rapprochement (or not) with China.
>Oh, that's why the US gave China this favored nation trade status.
>Dream on.

You don't think the sizable and influential Chinese-American community has
*anything* to do with the national dialogue regarding China? I said
"rapprochement (or not)". The Chinese-Americans are not necessarily of same
mind and spirit, but they are interested in their homeland.


Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Lectorum salutem hic do. Tu "Miss Maggie" <> ,die Thu,
09 Apr 1998 05:56:49 GMT, hic coram populo in foro
soc.culture.netherlands (et alii) solemniter atque fortiter

Hello young lady (i'm older than you!),

>olivier laurent wrote in message <>...

>>Miss Maggie wrote:
>>> Don't know if it's the same in Holland, but a Belgian friend has a friend
>>> still in Belgium who's fighting a losing battle against public sentiment
>>> that beating a wife every once in a while is normal marital behavior.
>>??? :-) where does miss maggie come from ? She seems to have friends in
>>countries in the world, she knows everything by personnal experience
>>? she don't need its) .

>>She's really fascinating ;-) . And she has a friend who knows a friend who
>>somebody else ...
>Well, finally I get some appreciation out of you European buggers! :)
>Honey, 56 years (oops, I dated myself), raising two children almost
>completely on your own, and now effectively raising my two grandchildren can
>give you some insights.

I raised five, but with my devoted (dutch) wife...

>In any case, I don't personally know the Belgian woman working against
>spouse abuse.

The best method is by not fucking!

> I *do* know a Belgian friend who lives here and is close to
>this woman. I live in San Francisco, and you have the opportunity to meet
>all sorts of people from all over the world here.

here in Belgium as well!


Adriana C. Bruggeman

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

In article <60iX.6031$>,

Miss Maggie <> wrote:
>Adriana C. Bruggeman wrote in message <6gk7b2$rpf$>...
>>In article <7seX.1959$>,
>>Miss Maggie <> wrote:

[US's immigrant culture shifts US policy]

>Lots of Europeans and European-Americans with lots of money here too, hence
>involvement in the two world wars.

Back to school.

>>>Chinese-Americans are vocal about rapprochement (or not) with China.
>>Oh, that's why the US gave China this favored nation trade status.
>>Dream on.
>You don't think the sizable and influential Chinese-American community has
>*anything* to do with the national dialogue regarding China? I said
>"rapprochement (or not)". The Chinese-Americans are not necessarily of same
>mind and spirit, but they are interested in their homeland.

The US is interested in business $$$$$


Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Rob Barends heeft geschreven in bericht

>In article <>, Robert-Jan Veldhuizen
<> says:
>>On 08-apr-98 06:04:53, Miss Maggie wrote:

>>>>I guess it all comes down to most Americans only understanding the
>>>>'quantity', not 'quality'.
>> MM> And from where did you derive this little gem, Mr. American of
>>It's common knowledge. At least here in Europe.

>Here we go again. It's not knowledge. I agree that there are more
>overweight Americans than Dutch as a percentage of the population.
>But it's not true that every other American is fat, like so many
>Europeans seem to believe, undoubtedly based on your encyclopedic
>knowledge of Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones guests.

Been there, seen it all and indeed you are right Rob! there are a lot of
Americans who are not Fat. I think that a lot of the younger people think
about what they are eating. The most people who obviosly ate to much were
40+. But in the Netherlands too there are a lot of people of that age who
have gained some weight, wich seams to center behind the belly button.

I know that Jenny and Jerry shows are almost never to be taken seriously.
That's why I only watch some extreme things like: " Hi, tommorow we are
going to marry, but I just wanted to tell you that I did the
footballteam!" Always good for some cheap fighting and a good laugh. Or
"I love you, but I just wanted to tell you that I am a pre-operative
transsexual!" Hi Hi Hi Hi those faces ! Hi hi hi hi hi!!!!!



T-Bear ICQ: 8322501 (updated)
) ( Oehoeboeroe
-(((-)))- The truth is out there......


Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Susan Umpleby heeft geschreven in bericht

>When you sit down & think about (not just knee-jerk reaction), the US
>is no more
>evil than any other country. Our government tries to spread its
>political ideals to other countries--so do many, many other
>countries. We have intervened militarily in other nations
>affairs--so have most of the other countries on earth. We send food,
>aid & advisors to other countries--so do all other countries with the
>means. Our citizens feel that *their* country is the best on Earth,
>bar none--well, judging by the posts from Netherlands, Germany, UK,
>France, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Mexico & Latin America to name a
>few that I've seen in these NGs, so do the citizens of other

At last, something sensible......


Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...

>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message

>Absolutely, just like smoking crack, knifing people for money, never

>and prostituting your children are the essentials of happy Dutch family


Why in * name don't you come over to The Netherlands and see for
yourself, instead of talking about what a friend of your friend his
grandpa's son is telling you?

*fill in the name of the god you believe in


Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht ...
>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>>>>They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.

>> MM> Beware, Martina. Robert-Johan von Veldhauser and some others may
>> MM> you for 'treason'. You can not betray royal Dutch stereotypes
>> MM> Americans and get away with it!

>>I'm Dutch, not German.

>I know. I just know how you Dutch hate the Germans, so I particularly
>enjoyed Germanizing your name. :)

Then your knowledge has some blank spots. You'd better said "I just know
how some of you Dutch hate the Germans......". Germany is our most
important trade partner and a popular holiday destination. It is true
that many are still moaning about grandpa his bike which was stolen 50
years ago, but that is absolutely ridiculous.

As I do not have any problems with Germans, your claim "how you Dutch" is

>>And you're Miss "can't get away with it" Maggie and she is Martina
>>"wings of an angel", your captain.



Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht
>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

>> MM> Absolutely, just like smoking crack, knifing people for money,
>> MM> working and prostituting your children are the essentials of happy
>> MM> family life.

>>You're misinformed there: those are all typical American things too.
>>Esspecially crack. Here we just smoke pot, far more healthier and

>Of course. Americans' laziness is world renowned, as is our

How come you think that Dutch are Lazy??
Our prostitution problem is far smaller as in the USA!
We have special Areas, where the women and men can work in a clean
surroundings, where they are save from idiots, where several
organizations keep an eye on the health of the prostitutes and where they
are the boss. They decide what's gonna happen and when you do not want to
use a condom you can bugger off and when you want to attach or rape a
girl you will not be safe from all her 'friends' nearby.

The policestations are almost always nearby, so big problems do not often

<I do not go to prostitutes, Never been woth one, just like to drink a
beer now and then in one of the pubs in Redlight District. It is an area
with a great atmosphere and many of the pubs have nothing to do with sex>

As I said before: Come over here and see for yourself, I and many others
would be willing to show you around.

>>A shame though that national television in the USA is of the same
>>"quality" as your export!

>You probably don't even bother importing "trash" like Seinfeld, do you?

I believe we do, but not many are watching, cause it is not funny.
Friends is a great serie though.
ESPN has a contract with Eurosport concerning US motorsports.
Whe have the EU version of CNN, but its quality of news is decreasing.

Miss Maggie

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

T-Bear wrote in message <6gkhq1$4r8$>...

>Miss Maggie heeft geschreven in bericht
>>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...

misinformed there: those are all typical American things too.
>>>Esspecially crack. Here we just smoke pot, far more healthier and
>>Of course. Americans' laziness is world renowned, as is our
>How come you think that Dutch are Lazy??
>Our prostitution problem is far smaller as in the USA!

T-Bear, please follow the thread. We're talking about stupid stereotypes.
Unfortunately, Reinhard believes the ones about Americans. I have never
been to the Netherlands, and there aren't too many stereotypes about the
Dutch in the US, but there are plenty I've heard from other European (and
esp. Belgian) friends.

>I believe we do, but not many are watching, cause it is not funny.
>Friends is a great serie though.

To me, Friends is incredibly boring and Seinfeld is hilarious. Maybe a
generational thing?

>ESPN has a contract with Eurosport concerning US motorsports.
>Whe have the EU version of CNN, but its quality of news is decreasing.

The quality of the world is decreasing, maybe, and the news just reflects

Susan Umpleby

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Kees van den Doel <> wrote in article

> In article <6gjqik$>,
> Rob Barends <> wrote:

> Whenever I cross the border from Canada to the US the most
> change in the human environment that springs to my mind via my
eyes is
> the fatness of the people. The UGLY GROSS fatness I should say.
> and Canadian fat people look better because they are fat
because of
> their genes,

> Kees

ROTFL! Thank you for a good laugh, Kees! OK, now that you've
entertained us, please be honest & admit that the only reason you
have this *opinion* is that you just plain don't like Americans. Fat
is fat & looks no different if genetic or brought on by overeating &
lack of exercise. Come on, admit it.

Which leads me to ask this question: if you can't stand coming here,
why do you?

Didier Leroi

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 05:49:54 GMT, "Miss Maggie" <>

>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...
>> MM> I have questions on the standards. Remember, Europe is where wife
>> MM> beating is considered "normal marital behavior."
[cut ... marital behavior and fat people]

>Isn't it also 'common knowledge' in the rest of Europe that the Dutch are
>incredibly lazy, greedy, penny-pinching, drug-addicted prostitutes?

>Thank goodness not everyone relies on such "common knowledge" in
>understanding the world...

This is wisdom ineed.

Didier Leroi

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 05:56:49 GMT, "Miss Maggie" <>


>olivier laurent wrote in message <>...
>>Miss Maggie wrote:
>>> Don't know if it's the same in Holland, but a Belgian friend has a friend
>>> still in Belgium who's fighting a losing battle against public sentiment
>>> that beating a wife every once in a while is normal marital behavior.

Luckily, you are not generalizing this...

>>??? :-) where does miss maggie come from ? She seems to have friends in
>>countries in the world, she knows everything by personnal experience
>>? she don't need its) .
>>She's really fascinating ;-) . And she has a friend who knows a friend who
>>somebody else ...
>Well, finally I get some appreciation out of you European buggers! :)
>Honey, 56 years (oops, I dated myself), raising two children almost
>completely on your own, and now effectively raising my two grandchildren can
>give you some insights.

>In any case, I don't personally know the Belgian woman working against

>spouse abuse. I *do* know a Belgian friend who lives here and is close to

>this woman. I live in San Francisco, and you have the opportunity to meet
>all sorts of people from all over the world here.

Be careful, big Belgian is watching you...

This being said, there are also fat people in Belgium. So much so that
some are going to the Netherlands or Germany to get adapted clothes,
or to Dutch shops installed in Belgium! :-))
So long,

Jean-Louis Dubois

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

"Miss Maggie" <> wrote:

>You live Beavis and Butthead too, don't you?
These guys are pretty cool huh uh uh huh huh uh


Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Kees van den Doel <> wrote:

> In article <6gjqik$>,
> Rob Barends <> wrote:

> >Here we go again. It's not knowledge. I agree that there are more
> >overweight Americans than Dutch as a percentage of the population.
> >But it's not true that every other American is fat, like so many
> >Europeans seem to believe, undoubtedly based on your encyclopedic
> >knowledge of Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones guests.

> Whenever I cross the border from Canada to the US the most prominent
> change in the human environment that springs to my mind via my eyes is
> the fatness of the people. The UGLY GROSS fatness I should say. European
> and Canadian fat people look better because they are fat because of

> their genes, and therefore designed to be fat and they actually look
> quite healthy. American fatness consists of artificial steroids and TV
> couch fatties enhanced by too much TV (yes they actually eat their TV's
> I think).

Well Kees, most of the time you're right, but this time you're
WRONG... It is generally believed that a lot of fatness in the US
actually does have a GENETIC origin, whereas in a country like for
example the Netherlands, FATNESS is generally a result of BAD DIET.
Never saw that obesity mouse (a true leptin knockout mouse) on the cover
of Nature or Science? A big, fat mouse besides a normal "wild-type"
no-fat mouse?



Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Lectorum salutem hic do. Tu "Miss Maggie" <> ,die Thu,
09 Apr 1998 21:04:40 GMT, hic coram populo in foro

soc.culture.netherlands (et alii) solemniter atque fortiter

>Fustigator wrote in message <>...
>>ha ha ha ha...
>>my dutch wife never complained about this, despite we settled here in
>>my native country, Belgium, 30 years ago! And never heard anything
>>like over here...
>>what the fuck is that for bullshit!
>You don't beat your wife, so no Belgian men beat their wives.

It's not done here.
Is it in the US?

> What a wonderful, logical thought process.

Bullshitty statements do not need elaborated answers!
>>>In the US, that's still really not a valid excuse. A woman is typically
>>>a much weaker position to hurt someone.
>>Not if she's good in shooting.
>Damn right, honey.
>>>You've seen enough to confirm your ill-founded generalizations that
>>>men beat their wives and we're all okay with it!
>>And you , imagining it could be the case in Belgium...
>Not me; read the thread first.

you conveyed that kind of bullshit anyway...

>>shoud you make Karl Marx's statement true:
>>"Bullshitters of all countries, unite"?
>Interesting; how does one say "bullshitter" in German? or is this yet
>another example of your brilliant logic?
What has German language to do with this "discussion"?
English will do as well



Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Lectorum salutem hic do. Tu "Miss Maggie" <> ,die Thu,
09 Apr 1998 20:58:23 GMT, hic coram populo in foro

soc.culture.netherlands (et alii) solemniter atque fortiter


>Robert-Jan Veldhuizen wrote in message <>...
>>>>They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.
>> MM> Beware, Martina. Robert-Johan von Veldhauser and some others may
>> MM> you for 'treason'. You can not betray royal Dutch stereotypes about
>> MM> Americans and get away with it!
>>I'm Dutch, not German.
>I know. I just know how you Dutch hate the Germans, so I particularly
>enjoyed Germanizing your name. :)

I'm neither Dutch nor German, and I like your germanizing
tranformation of one's name, Fraulein Greta

>>And you're Miss "can't get away with it" Maggie and she is Martina
>>"wings of an angel", your captain.

>Captain, my captain! At your service!
Der Fuestigator


Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Lectorum salutem hic do. Tu "Miss Maggie" <> ,die Fri,
10 Apr 1998 05:16:46 GMT, hic coram populo in foro

soc.culture.netherlands (et alii) solemniter atque fortiter


Gives anyway an nice crunchy feeling between your molars!


Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Lectorum salutem hic do. Tu (Wings) ,die 10 Apr
1998 01:47:26 GMT, hic coram populo in foro soc.culture.netherlands

(et alii) solemniter atque fortiter scripsisti:

>In <asZW.9076$> "Miss Maggie"

><> writes:
>>Wings wrote in message <6gh8pg$>...
>>>In <> Robert-Jan Veldhuizen
>>><> writes:
>>>>You forgot: why are they all so FAT?

>>>They are not ALL so FAT. Granted, some are, but most are not.


>>Beware, Martina. Robert-Johan von Veldhauser and some others may

>lynch you

>>for 'treason'. You can not betray royal Dutch stereotypes about

>>and get away with it!

>I think they already know that I do stand up for what I believe is
>right, and if they wish to construe that as "treason", well then so be
>it, but it's most certainly not true. I do believe that I know the
>Dutch (since I was born and raised Dutch, although I have applied for
>American citizenship) and I also believe that I know the Americans (I
>have been here for the past 16 years).
>For some of the Dutch people on SCN to beat up on the Americans doesn't
>make me feel particularly good.

It's however very fashionable in intellectual circles over here...

>In most cases I do understand where
>they are coming from, although I don't necessarily agree with it. So
>perhaps I straddle the fence. However, when untruths, stereotypes and
>myths are told about my new country I will say something.

Never heard about citizens of one country in the world who were all
<bad> or <good>. Life is better here or over there according to your
own standards of life, and perfection doesn't exist in any place on
this planet.

>That doesn't
>mean that I will ever forget where I came from. Holland will always
>have a very special place in my heart.

Say "kaas" instead of "cheese", when you laugh for the picture! ;-)
It helps to remind you about your roots!


Miss Maggie

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

T-Bear wrote in message <6gkhpu$4r8$>...

>>Absolutely, just like smoking crack, knifing people for money, never


>>and prostituting your children are the essentials of happy Dutch family
>Why in * name don't you come over to The Netherlands and see for
>yourself, instead of talking about what a friend of your friend his
>grandpa's son is telling you?

Oh, I understand why you don't think Seinfeld is funny.....

Follow the thread!

Miss Maggie

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

Fustigator wrote in message <>...

>>For some of the Dutch people on SCN to beat up on the Americans doesn't
>>make me feel particularly good.
>It's however very fashionable in intellectual circles over here...

Intellectuals are the most bitter when they don't have power.

>Never heard about citizens of one country in the world who were all
><bad> or <good>. Life is better here or over there according to your
>own standards of life, and perfection doesn't exist in any place on
>this planet.

Wisdom of the ancients. Okay, you're not *that* old.... :)

Miss Maggie

Apr 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/10/98

T-Bear wrote in message <6gkhq8$4r8$>...

>Been there, seen it all and indeed you are right Rob! there are a lot of
>Americans who are not Fat. I think that a lot of the younger people think
>about what they are eating. The most people who obviosly ate to much were
>40+. But in the Netherlands too there are a lot of people of that age who
>have gained some weight, wich seams to center behind the belly button.

You have to remember that not all beauty standards in the world hold a thin
body as the ideal. In fact, to my knowledge, only Europeans and Asians
value very thin bodies. I know that Mexicans and Blacks like women who are
big, and they think the thin European/Asian look is rather disgusting.

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